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"I just didn't realise how disconnected from my own body and senses I'd become until listening to this lovely CD."
"Great exercises for relaxing and slowing life down to where you can hear yourself again."
"Truly relaxing."
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Guided Meditations with Lindsay Barn
CD - £ 4.99
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Total running time - 40:01
Being with Your Senses & Being in Your Body
Guided Meditations with Lindsay Barn
Two fabulous Mindfulness Meditations which through practice and exercise will help bring you back to your senses of Feeling, Hearing, Seeing, Smelling and Tasting. Followed by a relaxing and gentle meditation to help you re-connect fully with your body where you will learn to appreciate the miracle that is your beautiful Body
Track Listing & Samples
Being With Your Senses (16:46)
Being In Your Body (23:15)